Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Price of Bananas

A good day on the construction front.

Although the greenhouse may look somewhat the same as yesterday, there have been some production line additions on each truss member, and because of the way things will progress next, we've started the painting, if we didn't, things would become difficult.

The first roof panel, the prototype, was removed and I raised it by about a quarter of an inch, mainly because we visited Gibsons Building Supplies and bought a whole bunch of one by two's that were slightly higher than the pieces I used to mount the first panel.

In another cost saving moment, I asked the guy in the yard why he was sorting out the lumber, and he said that there was a goodly portion of cull, or "banana" lumber, so we asked if we could buy it, and of course, as with our luck lately, something we need to progress the job was half price.

Always good to know the price of bananas.

1 comment:

The South Shore Tide Watch said...

Indeed, without knowledge of the price of bananas ~ ur deed ....