Thursday, May 31, 2012

Caterpillar Condo

At the end of the walk to North Road we noticed a few of these clumps of caterpillars, of course I did not have my camera so when we arrived home I jumped on my bike and raced up (my version of racing) to take a picture.

We believe that they are Western Tent Caterpillars.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


There's Marilyn in the background on her deck, laughing at me following deer in my "jammies" - I don't know why she was laughing though, they proceeded to remove a lot of the buds from her plants.

Close Encounters

Again I was off around the neighborhood with my fancy pants and barefoot. There were four deer over on Bruce's lot across the road, so I went wandering half dressed and they allowed me to get about six feet away.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Classic Revisited

The weekly special down at the supermarket is beef sausage, so we cooked some up for the ever ready freezer and also constructed an old favorite. The sausage sarny, fried onions and mustard, on a healthy bun of course...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One mans Muck...

They have this thing on the Coast, early May they have "clear out day" and we can get rid of stuff that has accumulated during the year. This year, our neighbour threw out an old BC Power Commission triple Ammeter carrying box. It was in terrible shape and of course, I saw a project. The torn labels, tape residue, innards, old paint had to go and I have brought the thing back to life, even managed to save the Power Commission decal.
Now I'm looking for a new project...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have to add these guys in, they were hiding under a hedge on Winn Road.

Wild, I was Livid...

Resistance is Futile

Bazillions of them, everywhere. Why fight it?

Deer on the Hill

A young deer gave us a wide berth on the hill, it was the second we have seen in two days. It won't be long before the bears start making trouble, they're already plundering garbage cans.

Lunch at the Black Bean

The great thing about the long walk down is that the Black Bean Coffee house gets in the way and you have to go in and have lunch, today we fought over a Yummy Veggie sandwich, lovingly split for the pair of us cheapskates. Avocado, grilled peppers, two different cheeses, eggplant, artichoke, romaine, mustard and mayo all on a hearty multigrain bread.

Also, to make sure we ate all our veggies, a cranberry-mandarin muffin sat temptingly on the side...

Den Oever

We actually saw the boat arrive when we were drinking merrily at Gramma's pub on Friday, today, while we were down at the wharf, I thought this was too good a picture to ignore.

The ship, the Den Oever, shares it's name with a village in the Dutch province of North Holland.

Marine Drive Wildflower

A beautiful day today, a nice long walk down to Marine Drive and a bunch of pictures for the blog.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Women in a boat...

Christie, Catherine, Norma, Karen and Yanira. Howe Sound today, beautiful people, beautiful place.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I have not checked, but in the same spot we saw an owl. Tonight there is going to be a supermoon, or so they say, and Karen jumped up and said "look, an owl" and once again, as a yearly ritual it seems, I ran out barefoot and took a picture.

He looked at me a few times and then decided "I'm off" while Karen watched from the upstairs window.