Monday, April 22, 2013

GLHA Expansion

A photo from the new concrete float down at the GLHA. A great exciting project, it means that fishing and other vessels will find it much easier to load and unload as they come into Gibsons. We have watched over the last month as they have built this, pounding those posts into the sea bed and watched concrete trucks deliver in gale force winds, we had a ring side seat most days and even paddled underneath the ramp last Friday whilst all four of us made silly whooping noises.


Up to date, they're framing the first floor now, also the property has gone on the market, price will be $478,000 plus taxes and the old land transfer wrinkle. Will post more pictures as the monster grows.

Project poured and basement framed

This was taken on the 17th April, the concrete has been poured, the forms stripped away, the basement has been framed and the first floor plywood has been added.

The New project over the road

A couple of updates of the project over the road, every day there is progress and the house is being created in record style.
The concrete forms went in around the 21st March.