Monday, February 28, 2011

Keeping up with the Butterworths

In December, after buying my PS3 we continued shopping around Granville Island and popped into a Barnes and Noble where I was fingering a Nook eReader, priced at $149 with 100 free books. True, those free books were all public domain, but nevertheless, it seemed like a reasonable gizmo.

However, we'd just spent over $300 on the Playstation gizmo.
Here in February, news from abroad drifted in that Patricia Butterworth had received a Kindle for her birthday, well, that was the straw that broke the camels back, there was little doubt that my tiny Dell Axim reader with it's four inch screen would have to be replaced.

The Kindle is supported by free 3G in Canada (the Nook is not) so here it is and I've jumped into Asimov's Foundation series.

The question over time will be that you can lead a camel to water, but can you make it read?

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