Saturday, September 18, 2010

Upside Down

September, possibly not the best month of the year for this.

The water hit like a brick, cold and intense, I told Karen to put her paddle in the upturned boat, under the seat and she seemed to look right through me, and then, with a shake of the head, it was all business as the pair of us clambered over the OC4 and "hinged" as the other team members pushed up on the outrigger.

Karen was first into the OC4, almost a step in as it was flooded and immediately started bailing, then followed our steerperson who asked for a leg up from me, then seat one climbed in. I was the last of the four back in the boat and I wasn't feeling the cold as my body had acclimatized, it required a good bit of upper body strength to pull myself back into seat three.

Apparently our "huli" was the best of the day, although I bet they say that to all the girls.

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