The noise he made when banging his head against the pole was so loud, kind of like that of a small jackhammer, I can't imagine the percussion effect on his brain.
There was a second bird locally and they seemed to be taking it in turns to communicate with each other. The Pileated Woodpecker have probably settled here again for a few months, they prefer mature forest and may spend up to six weeks excavating a large nest cavity in a dead or decaying tree.

Where : Creekside Crescent, Gibsons
When : March 10th, 2010
Hi, folks:
I enjoy your Nature Watch blog. One of my favorite birds is the Pileated Woodpecker. You and your readers might enjoy my 7 minute YouTube video. I observed this family for 6 months. Do a search for 2009 Pileated Woodpecker Nest.
As Ever, Orin
near Chicago
Hi there, glad to see someone is looking in from time to time. We have had several over the last week in the garden.
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