It is a suitable weekend to be making bread, here is our first attempt and by golly it tastes good, fresh out of the oven. We will attempt a few cheese sandwiches soon and travel up to Madeira Park for a picnic, maybe stopping at the Grasshopper Pub for a jug of beer.
3 Cups of Whole Wheat Flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-1/2 Tablespoons sugar, 2-1/3 teaspoons of Fleischmanns rapid yeast, 3/4 cup water, 1/4 cup milk.
Easy. Add one cup of flour, salt, yeast and sugar in a mixer bowl, microwave milk and water for 60 seconds and add, mix for two minutes on medium. Hand add the rest of the flour, Kneed for about five minutes on a bread board and shape into whatever takes your fancy. Cover with a tea towel and set aside for 45 minutes. Rub a little olive oil gently onto the top of the dough, preheat oven to 400 degrees and just bake for 25 minutes. Cool on a rack. Slice.