It was a good two days, simply because we did not take the camera on our walks. The river otters were back down at the government wharf yesterday, at least three of them over at the sea wall, happily chasing each other in and out of the water.
Today, started with some old favorites, three Steller's Jays being noisy up on Tricklebrook Way, then later a very young deer on Gower point road, quite close to Mollies Reach, thinking about dodging traffic.
We paused for a few minutes and watched a mischievious raccoon trying to climb into someones kitchen window near Beach Road, and then up by Gibsons Creek we stood about five feet from a stunning yearling deer, happily munching on assorted greenery. It kept a careful eye on us, but was not spooked in the least.

Where : Tricklebrook Way, Gibsons
When : 17th June, 2008
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