Sunday, June 23, 2013

Huli Day

Today, Sunday, was Huli day down at Armours Beach, we willingly dunked ourselves in the cool waters of the Pacific Ocean (and actually had a lot of fun doing it) and then came home, still with our feathers ruffled, and celebrated by bottling the latest batch of beer.

Forty-three 500ml bottles of Cooper's Real Ale, ready to drink today and better in a week's time.

We're off for the second celebration to the Blackfish now.

Concrete Donkey

I was sat out on the picnic table early this morning talking to this young buck in my pajamas (I was wearing the pajamas, not the deer) and he decided to take a look at the concrete donkey.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bear and Grin it...

Brian Sadler, one of the locals, posted a few pictures of a local bear on garbage day. Although we have had a great two weeks spotting wildlife (of course, with no camera), we have not seen a bear yet this year.

Acknowledgements to Brian and his neighbour, who took these pictures. The story apparently is that about a month ago, Mama Bear and her 2 yearlings entered a house on Stewart Road, near to the entrance of Inglis Trail (about a mile away from where we live). The conservation folks trapped one cub and, subsequently, Mama; but, then they left the area with the second yearling still in the bush along Inglis Trail.

We were walking along Inglis Trail just a few days ago, no camera, and unfortunately, no bear cub.

However, here are the excellent pictures:

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Canoe Brewpub in Victoria, another great visit. Also this time we visited Spinnakers, the "Gastro" brewpub over the swing bridge. Excellent hand crafted beers. Highly recommended!
I bet if you go back a year on this blog there's almost the same photo, we're trapped in a terrible brewpub loop!

Harbour Extension

The GLHA have been busy over the last month, extending the commercial aspect of the harbour with a large, new concrete loading float and ramp. This will certainly make summer visits to Gramma's Pub more interesting as we watch more traffic come into Gibsons Landing.

It's essential that we are provided with more entertainment as we are forced to sit in Gramma's, I mean, they only serve beer there, oh and wine, and food, and they do have turns on occasionally...

Water of Life

So many good bars and pubs in downtown Victoria!

We had a four day break there in May and made sure that we visited every one of them, the photo is from "Irish Times" who's owners also run the "Bard and Banker" and "The Penny Farthing" which hark back to those excellent pubs of yesteryear.

Jack Sparrow

We have this thing now, nothing is insignificant and everything has a sort of wonder to it. As we sat in a lovely little coffee shop in Sidney, on Vancouver Island, a few cyclists came in and immediately, they had to be wary as "just" an opportunistic sparrow came down and inspected their rides.